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Week 4/3 Self-Empower Class Topic: Self-Words! (Revisit)  
 Class Schedule 
4/3 What are self-words
4/4 Importance of self-words
4/5 Self-Words (Positive vs. Negative)
4/6 Self-Words Exhibitions 
4/7 Self-Words Affirmations
The weekly classes is a catalyst to self-empowerment that encourages, strengthens, influences, impacts AND maximizes FULL capacities achieve & succeed in every area of life! 
Week 5/1 Self-Empower Class Topic: Self-Attitude! (Revisit)
This week …self-empowering class topic is self-attitude……an important element exhibit daily. Self which means oneself….and attitude means a reaction to emotions or feelings…. Being that self-attitude carries reactions…..CAN impact ability to self-progress. It’s important …what self-attitude being exhibit? Is it positive-productive and producing or the opposite? Very important what self-attitude is being exhibit on a daily basis?  
Class Schedule
Self-Empowering Class Schedule M-F 5-7pm
Week 5/1  Topic: Self-Attitude
Day #1- What is self-attitude
Day #2-Self-Attitude Optimism
Day#3 Self-Attitude Impacts 
Day#4-Self-Attitude and Outlook
Day#5-Self-Attitude Affirmations

f you would to attend the weekly self-empowering classes, you can register at

Our weekly classes is a catalyst to self-empowerment that encourages, strengthens, influences, impacts AND maximizes FULL achieve & succeed in every area of life! 

If need additional support contact us at


Week of 6/26/18, Our Self-Empower Class Topic: Determine to Self-Determine   

Background Insight on Topic:  

It is VERY imperative to determine to self-determine to remain determined & not quit!

It is VERY imperative to Determine to Self-Determine…. with decisions that positively impacts life! 

It is VERY imperative to determine to Self-Determine to accelerate areas of life to a self-empowered life.  

Ready to Determine to Self-Determine!! 

 Self-Empower Class Schedule:

Day#1 Intro, Determine to Self-Determine

Day#2 Why Determine to Self-Determine

Day#3 Determine to Self-Determine Mentality 

Day#4 Determine to Self-Determine Reflection

Day#5 Determine to Self-Determine Practice Exercise

If you would like to attend weekly self-empowering classes?

Register at

Our weekly Self-Empower Class is a catalyst to self-empowerment increasements through encouraging, strengthening, influencing and impacting capacities, growth & success! 


If need additional  support contact us!  


Week of 7/3/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic and Schedule!

Topic: Self-Direction(s)

Background of Topic: Self-Directions totally depend on directions…from self-direction(s). To know self-direction(s) is imperative with road-maps of life!  To know self-direction(s) is imperative within all areas of life!  Self-directions…. is simply knowing direction(s) of ….where you are going AND positive-productive-producing steps to take to get there!  ……where you would like to be!  Self-direction(s) that positively impacts your life! 

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to self-directions

Day#2- Imperativeness of self-direction(s)  

Day#3- Self-Direction(s) Road-maps

Day#4  Self-Direction(s) (positive-productive-producing)

Day#5 Self-Direction(s) Reflections

We offer self-empowering weekly classes … a catalyst that increases self-empowerment to a self-empowered life!


If need additional support contact us!


Week of 7/17/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic and Schedule!

Topic: Focus!!  

Background of Topic: Focus is being able to give your direct attention to (Merriam Webster). Focus is one of many keys with setting foundation(s) to get things accomplished in life!  Focus….an important element that contributes lens to focus-ability in life! Focus is very valuable AND more importantly valuable when focus is attentive too!  

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1-Introduction to Focus


Day#3-Focus-Direct Attention

Day#4 Focus-Accomplishments

Day#5 Focus Reflections

We offer self-empowering weekly classes … a catalyst that increases self-empowerment to a self-empowered life!

If you would like to attend weekly self-empower classes register at


Week of 7/24/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic and Schedule!
Topic: Self-Images!!
Excerpts of Topic: Self-Image(s)!! 
 Self-Images….everyone have self-images! 
 Self-Images.... the way one thinks about self!
 Self-Images.... impacts thoughts, feelings and actions! 
 Self-Image.... one of many foundations to self-acceptance! 
 Self-Images.... Positive & Negative impacts self! 
 Self-Images.... impacts progressions! 
Self-Empowering Class Schedule: 
Day#1-What is self-image?
Day#2-Self-Image Foundations
Day#3-Self-Image Positive vs. Negative
Day#4 Self-Image Impacts 
Day#5 Self-Image Reflection 
We offer self-empowering weekly classes … a catalyst that increases self-empowerment to a self-empowered life!

Would like to attend weekly self-empowering classes?
Register at

If need additional support contact us!


Week of 4/10   Self-Empower Class Topic: Self-Choices!
Did you know self-choices affect every area of life?  Did you know self-choices always give result(s)? Did you know self-choices are choosing…choosing directly from self?   Did you know it’s helpful with self-choice(s) to choose according to the results…want and need?  Did you know making hasty self-choice(s) and not thoroughly given thought to self-choice(s) can give unwanted results?  Did you self-choice(s) are reflections of choices?  Did you know self-choice(s) can shift ….when acknowledgement of self-choices!
These are important questions to ponder w/self-choice(s). THE RESULTS? Are self-choices being thoroughly…thought through?    Is self-choices increasing or decreasing?  
Class Schedule:
4/10 What are self-choices
4/11 Thoroughly when choosing
4/12 Self-Choices increasing vs decreasing
4/13 Self-Choices Reflections
4/14 Self-Choices Practice Exercise
Weekly Self-Empowering Classes!
 If need additional support contact us!   
The weekly classes is a catalyst to self-empowerment that encourages, strengthens, influences, impacts AND maximizes FULL capacities achieve & succeed in every area of life!   


Week of 8-7-18, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule!

Topic: Time Management!

Time Management…the ability to use ones’ time effectively or productively (Oxford & Merriam Webster Dictionary). Time Management is important AND valuable element!!   How one utilizes time through time management impacts time management!

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Time Management

Day#2- Importance of Time Management

Day#3- Effective Time Management

Day#4- Utilizing Time Management

Day#5-Time Management Goals & Reflection

Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth and success…. a self-empowered life!

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Week of 8-14-17, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule!

Topic:  Self-Productivity!

Self-Productivity….the quality or state of being productive (Merriam Webster).  Productivity… a major contribution to society AND in one’s life!  How one chooses to utilize productivity daily impact(s)!! It's beneficial... self-productivity … productivity... self-positive, self-productive and self-producing....Self-Productivity!

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Productivity

Day#2- Why Self-Productivity?

Day#3-Importance of Self-Productivity

Day#4-Self-Productivity (Missions) 

Day#5-Self-Productivity Goals & Reflection Moment

Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth AND success…. a self-empowered life!

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Week of 8-21-17, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule!

Topic:  Self-Effective

Background Excerpts: Self-Effective…..successful in producing a desired result(s) or intended result(s) (Oxford).  It’s vital Self-Effective on daily basis …to ensure effectiveness to Self-Effective! Self-Effective…makes the most to effectiveness!  Self-effective…choosing to be effective to self-effective impacts every area of life!

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Effective

Day#2- Importance of Self-Effective

Day#3- Self-Effective to Effectiveness

Day#4- Self-Effective (Makes the Most to Effectiveness) 

Day#5-Self-Effective Reflection

Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth and success!   >> A Self-Empowered Life!!

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Week of 9/4/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule! 
Topic: Self-Awareness 
Are you aware to self-awareness? Self-awareness of self- thinking, self-speaking and self-actions …self! 
Background Excerpts: 
Self-Awareness…..having or showing realization (Webster Dictionary). Self-Awareness…being aware…of self AND aware to self-thinking (thoughts), self-speaking (words) AND self-actions (works) about self, toward self AND over self! Self-Awareness… elements that can/will affect(s)-effect(s) self!

*Did you know...Self-Awareness… greatness self carries? Greatness of your gifts, talents, strengths and abilities and so forth!!
Self-Empowering to Self-Empowerment Class Schedule: 
Day#1- Introduction to Self-Awareness
Day#2- Imperativeness of Self-Awareness 
Day#3- Self-Awareness (thinking, speaking & actions)
Day#4- Self-Awareness Elements (gifts, talents, strengths, abilities) 
Day#5-Self-Awareness Reflection 
Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth and success! A Self-Empowered Life!! 
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Week of 10/2/17,
Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule! 
Topic: Self-Greater! 
Background Excerpts: 
Self-Greater…Did you have self-greater? You have self-greater within you! Self-Greater… your gifts, Self-Greater…your talents, Self-Greater…your strengths, Self-Greater…your abilities, Self-Greater…Your empowerment, etc. . !! 
Did you know…it is possible to operate in your self-greater? Are you operating in your self-greater…A self-greater that increases self-greater in you? Did you know…self-greater awaits for you?
Self-Empowering Class Schedule: 
Day#1- Introduction to Self-Greater
Day#2- Self-Greater & You
Day#3- Self-Greater (Gifts,Talents, Strengths, Abilities, Empowerment)
Day#4- Self-Greater Increasement(s)
Day#5-Self-Greater Reflection & Class Exercise
Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth and success! A Self-Greater You!
*Would like additional information regarding self-empowering classes? 
Contact us at:
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*Would like to increase self-empowerment?


Week of 4/17 Self-Empower Class Topic:


This week …class topic is about bringing awareness to HOW MUCH YOU MATTER! No matter what …… YOU MATTER!
I believe it’s very important for ALL to know this …and when ALL know…a positive shift can take place regarding…. How one thinks, feels and actions about self.

Class Schedule:
4/17 You Matter …You are uniquely you
4/18 What I think about self matters
4/19 How I feel about self matters
4/20 Actions taken toward self matters
4/21  I Matter Affirmations 
If need additional support contact us! The weekly classes is a catalyst to self-empowerment that encourages, strengthens, influences,impacts AND maximizes FULL achieve & succeed in every area of life! 


Week 4/24… Self-Empowering Class Topic: Self-Beliefs!

Everyone have self-belief(s) about self…that impact(s) life! Self means.. oneself-in particular and Belief means….what one believes… What are your self-beliefs today regarding self? Is it positive about self? Is it revitalizing self? What do you believe about self through self-belief?  It’s very vital with self-beliefs AND will produce the belief(s) about self through self-belief(s).


Week 4/24 Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day #1- What are Self-Beliefs?

Day #2-Self through Self-Belief?

Day #3-Self-Beliefs Positive vs. Negative  

Day#4- Self-Beliefs Reflection

Day#5-Self-Belief Affirmations


If you would to attend the weekly self-empowering classes, you can register at

Our weekly classes is a catalyst to self-empowerment that encourages, strengthens, influences, impacts AND maximizes FULL achieve & succeed in every area of life! 

If need additional support contact us at


Week of 5/22 Self-Empower Class Topic: Self-Limitations! Taking the limits off!

Are you limiting self with self-limitations? Are you limiting self from all the possibilities? Are you limiting self from accelerations? Did you know self-limitations impact every area of life?

Did you know self-limitations can become a hindrance to progressions to do and to be with positive-productive and producing things in your life?


Our Self-Empowering Class Schedule:
Day#1 What is Self-Limitation(s)? 
Day#2 Self-Limitations Mentality
Day#3 Preventions of Self-Limitations 
Day#4 Self-Limitations and Self
Day#5 Ready to take limits off self-reflection

We offer weekly self-empowering classes Monday through Friday!

If you would like to attend weekly classes register at

If need additional support contact us! Or 1-800-883-8155

The weekly classes... a catalyst to self-empowerment increasements that encourages, strengthens, influences, impacts capacities,growth and success!

Helping all to achieve & succeed in every area of life!


Week of 9/18/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule!

Topic: Self-Determine!

Self-Determine….having a conscience determine in self to self-determine! Self-Determine….helps one not to give up on self to self-determine. Self-Determine… a very powerful element impacts every area of life!

*Did you know...your self-determine impacts your self-thoughts, self-words and self-actions?

*Did you know…it’s beneficial to determine to self-determine with self-positive, self-productive and self-producing impacts in life?


Self-Empowering to Self-Empowerment Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Determine

Day#2- Determine to Self-Determine

Day#3- Self-Determine (powerful element)

Day#4- Self-Determine Elements (self-thoughts, self-words, self-actions)

Day#5-Self-Reflection & Class Exercise

Warrens Hands Outreach offer weekly self-empowering classes ….a catalysts to increase self-empowerment, growth and success! A Self-Empowered Life!!


*Would like additional information regarding self-empowering classes?

Contact us at:

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*Would like to increase self-empowerment?





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