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Our Services

Please complete Basic Registration form for classes. Please indicate what weekly class and date you are registering for in the message box? 


All classes start every Monday of the week. Each week there are different topics for Life-Self-Empowerment, Social-Skills, Life Skills Classes, Literacy Classes!


Please make sure when registering for classes,registration fee is completed to reserve seat for class!    


If there are any additional questions regarding classes, dates, times, general info, etc. Please write them in the message box of the basic contact registration form and submit.  I will contact once received, no later than 1 business day! 


Please indicate what is the best method of contact? I look forward to having you in the class. 


Much Success! 

-Miss. Warren

Need Additional Information on Self-Empowerment, Social-Skills  AND  Life Skills Classes?  Contact Us!

Quick Link for Registration for classes:


Self-Empowerment Class Topic & Schedule! 

 Register Directly  for Self-Empowerment  weekly classes,  CLICK BELOW! 

Week 4/24 Self-Empowering Class
Schedule M-F 5-7pm
Topic: Self-Beliefs & Sub-Focus Areas
Day #1- What are Self-Beliefs?
Day #2-Self through Self-Belief?
Day #3-Self-Beliefs  Positive vs. Negative  
Day#4- Self-Beliefs Reflection
Day#5-Self-Belief Affirmations

Week of 5/8/17 Self-Empowering Class

Schedule M-F 5-7PM

Topic: Self-Motivation!    

Class Schedule and sub-focus Area(s)

Day #1 Self-Motivation

Day #2 Vital-ness of self-motivation

Day#3 Self-Motivation Mentality

Day#4 Self-Motivation vs. No Motivation

Day#5 Self-Motivation Practice Exercise 


Week of 5/22/17  Self-Empowering Class S

Schedule M-F 5-7pm

Topic: Self-Limitations Take  limits off self!

Class Schedule and sub-focus Area(s)

Day#1 What is Self-Limitation(s) 
Day#2 Self-Limitations Mentality
Day#3 Preventions of Self-Limitations 
Day#4 Self-Limitations and Self
Day#5 Ready to take limits off self-reflection


Week of 7/3/17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule!

Topic: Self-Direction(s) M-F 5-7pm

Self-Empowering Class Schedule and sub-focus area(s)

Day#1- Introduction to self-directions

Day#2- Imperative-ness of self-direction(s)  

Day#3- Self-Direction(s) Road-maps

Day#4  Self-Direction(s) (positive-productive-producing)

Day#5 Self-Direction(s) Reflections


Week of 7/17/17, Self-Empowering Class

Schedule! M-F 5-7pm 


Self-Empowering Class Schedule & sub-focus area(s):

Day#1-Introduction to Focus


Day#3-Focus-Direct Attention

Day#4 Focus-Accomplishments

Day#5 Focus Reflections


Week of 8-7-17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule! M-F 5-7pm

Topic: Time Management!

Self-Empowering Class Schedule & sub-focus areas:

Day#1- Introduction to Time Management

Day#2- Importance of Time Management

Day#3- Effective Time Management

Day#4- Utilizing Time Management

Day#5-Time Management Goals & Reflection


Week of 8-21-17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule!

Topic:  Self-Effective

Self-Empowering Class Schedule & Sub-Focus Areas:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Effective

Day#2- Importance of Self-Effective

Day#3- Self-Effective to Effectiveness

Day#4- Self-Effective (Makes the Most to Effectiveness) 

Day#5-Self-Effective Reflection


Week of 10/2/17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule! 

Topic: Self-Greater! 

Self-Empowering Class Schedule  & Sub-Focus Areas: 
Day#1- Introduction to Self-Greater
Day#2- Self-Greater & You
Day#3- Self-Greater (Gifts,Talents, Strengths, Abilities, Empowerment)
Day#4- Self-Greater Increasement(s)
Day#5-Self-Greater Reflection & Class Exercise



Week 5/1/17 Self-Empowering Class
Schedule M-F 5-7pm
Topic: Self-Attitude & Sub-Focus Areas
Day #1- What is self-attitude
Day #2-Self-Attitude Optimism
Day#3 Self-Attitude Impacts 
Day#4-Self-Attitude and Outlook
Day#5-Self-Attitude Affirmations

Self-Empowering Class

Schedule M-F 5-7pm

Topic Self-Acceptance & Sub-Focus Areas

Week of 5/15/17:

Day#1 Self-Acceptance

Day#2 Self-Acceptance & Foundations

Day#3 Self-Acceptance through Self-Accepting

Day#4 Self-Acceptance & Situations

Day#5 Self-Acceptance Reflection


Week of 6/12/17 Self-Empowering Class

Schedule M-F 5-7

Topic: Self-Strengths & Sub-Focus Areas

Day#1 Introduction to Self-Strengths

Day#2 Self-Strengths-Internal/External

Day#3 Self-Strengths & Progressions

Day#4 Self-Strength Practice Exercise

Day#5 Self-Strengths Affirmations


Week of 6/26/17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule M-F 5-7pm

Topic: Determine to Self-Determine & Sub-Focus Areas:  

Day#1 Intro, Determine to Self-Determine

Day#2 Why Determine to Self-Determine

Day#3 Determine to Self-Determine Mentality 

Day#4 Determine to Self-Determine Reflection

Day#5 Determine to Self-Determine Practice Exercise


Week of 7/24/17, Self-Empowering Class Topic and Schedule! M-F 5-7pm
Topic: Self-Images!!
Self-Empowering Class Schedule & Sub-Focus Areas: 
Day#1-What is self-image?
Day#2-Self-Image Foundations
Day#3-Self-Image Positive vs. Negative
Day#4 Self-Image Impacts 
Day#5 Self-Image Reflection 


Week of 8-14-17, Self-Empowering Class Topic & Schedule! M-F 5-7pm

Topic:  Self-Productivity!

Self-Empowering Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Productivity

Day#2- Why Self-Productivity?

Day#3-Importance of Self-Productivity

Day#4-Self-Productivity (Missions) 

Day#5-Self-Productivity Goals & Reflection Moment


Week of 9/4/17, Self-Empowering Schedule! 
Topic: Self-Awareness 
Self-Empowering to Self-Empowerment Class Schedule: 
Day#1- Introduction to Self-Awareness
Day#2- Imperative-ness of Self-Awareness 
Day#3- Self-Awareness (thinking, speaking & actions)
Day#4- Self-Awareness Elements (gifts, talents, strengths, abilities) 
Day#5-Self-Awareness Reflection 


Week of 9/18/17, Self-Empowering Class Schedule!

Topic: Self-Determine!

Self-Empowering to Self-Empowerment Class Schedule:

Day#1- Introduction to Self-Determine

Day#2- Determine to Self-Determine

Day#3- Self-Determine (powerful element)

Day#4- Self-Determine Elements (self-thoughts, self-words, self-actions)

Day#5-Self-Reflection & Class Exercise





Life-Skills Class Topic & Schedule! 

Life Skills Class Schedule 5-7pm M-TH
Week 4/24/17
Topic: Communicating
Day #1- Intro to Communicating
Day #2- Importance of Communicating
Day#3  Communicating wants & needs
Day#4- Communicating Practice Group Exercise 



Life Skills Class Schedule,

Week of 5/8/17 

Monday through Thursday! 5-7pm,

Topic: Decision Making       

Day#1 Introduction to Decision Making

Day#2 Vital-ness of Decision Making

Day#3 Weighing Decisions with Decision Makings

Day#4 Decision Making Reflection Exercise


Life Skills Class Schedule

Week of 5/15/17

Monday through Thursday! 5-7pm,

Topic: Problem Solving

Day#1 Introduction to Problem Solving

Day #2 Problem vs. Problem Solving

Day#3 Focus-ability with Problem Solving

Day#4 Problem Solving  Reflection


Life Skills Class Schedule

Week of 6/12/17 

Monday through Thursday! 5-7pm,

Topic: Time-Management 

Day#1 Introduction to Time-Management 

Day #2  Importance of Time Management 

Day#3 Effective Time Management 

Day#4 Time Management Reflection 


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Increasing  & Catapulting Empowerments, Enrichments and Sufficiency! 

Warrens Hands Outreach Services, LLC







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